Wallet balance
Wallet balance shows current amounts of funds in a wallet by currency.
Current open orders
You can see your wallet's open orders if you go to “Advanced” XRPL wallet settings and click the “Open orders” field at the bottom of the screen. You might be prompted to enter your account password before you are able to proceed.
Wallet transaction history
Wallet transaction history can be accessed in “WALLET” - “Transactions", where you are able to see the transaction history of your wallet and download it as a .csv file.
You can download your wallet history by going to:
- Profile icon located in the upper-right corner of the screen.
- Choose "Settings".
- Click the "Wallets" tab.
- You will see the list of all your wallets - click on "Export transactions" to download a TX history of a specific wallet.
A .csv file export can be opened by most spreadsheet programs. Within this document, all wallet activity can be seen. This includes trades and exchanges, trusts set and disabled, payments sent and received and fees charged for each transaction on the XRP Ledger (formerly known as Ripple Consensus Ledger).
Alternatively, you can view and export a detailed transaction history for your wallet by entering your wallet address into GateHub's XRPL explorer.