GateHub allows users to add and remove wallets from an account, which can hold up to 40 Xahau, XRP Ledger wallets or GateHub-hosted wallets.
GateHub discourages creating new Xahau or XRP Ledger wallets unless entirely necessary. All created XRP Ledger wallets (accounts) are permanently stored on the XRP Ledger.
To gain functionality, a new XRP Ledger wallet has to be funded with 1 XRP and a new Xahau wallet with 1 XAH. This is called the base reserve, which cannot be withdrawn.
Deleting your XRP Ledger or Xahau wallet will not make the XRP reserve or Xahau reserve available.
GateHub Hosted wallets do not have a minimum required reserve.
XRP reserves from multiple XRP Ledger or Xahau wallets cannot be merged, only available balances from each wallet type. Each active XRP Ledger wallet and Xahau wallet must hold at least 1 XRP and 1 XAH, respectively, to be considered active.
To create a new XRP Ledger wallet or GateHub-hosted wallet:
- Go to "Wallet" on the menu located on the left side of the screen.
- Click on the wallet drop-down menu in the upper-left corner of the screen.
- Click "+Add Wallet".
- Enter your account password and 2FA code.
- Choose the wallet type you wish to create (hosted, Xahau or XRP Ledger wallet). Enter your account password.
- Type in your wallet name (can be changed later).
- Click “Create”.
To remove a wallet from your account:
Before deleting a wallet, make sure that all the available funds have been withdrawn and that the wallet is not designated as a primary (the primary wallet cannot be deleted - to delete a wallet you have set as a primary you have to first set another wallet as primary, which can be done in "Advanced" wallet settings).
- Go to "Wallet" on the menu located on the left side of the screen.
- Click on the wallet drop-down menu in the upper-left corner of the screen.
- Click on the wallet you wish to remove.
- Go to “Advanced” settings.
- Click "Delete" and enter your account password.
- The warning window will open.
- Click “Delete” to finish.
When deleting a Xahau or XRP Ledger wallet, you will be prompted to confirm the action by ticking the boxes in front of the disclaimer statement.
Deleting the XRP Ledger wallet from your GateHub account is irreversible and cannot be undone. The only way a deleted XRP Ledger wallet can be recovered is by importing it back to your account with the use of its pertaining secret key (see article Import a wallet).