The recovery key is a 32-character key, generated during the GateHub signup process and can be downloaded as a .txt file. If you do not know where you stored your recovery key, we suggest you look through your computer files for a .txt document titled ''gatehub_recovery_key'' you may have downloaded.
If you logged into your account anytime after the 15th of July 2019, you've received a new recovery key upon your successful login (as part of re-encryption of your wallets), making the original key invalid. You were also prompted to change your password.
If you have not saved the recovery key, you cannot recover your account as GateHub does not store user recovery keys.
You can, however, restore your XRPL wallet if you have the pertaining secret key:
- Register again, with a different email address,
- Use the XRP Ledger secret key to import the wallet from the locked-out account into the newly created one. More information is available here.
In case you have forgotten your password, misplaced your recovery key, and didn't store your XRP Ledger secret key, GateHub does not store any of our customer's credentials nor do we have the ability to change them.