Any wallet on the XRP Ledger can issue its own crypto asset.
GateHub strongly recommends only accepting crypto assets by trusted issuers, for example, GateHub Crypto.
To dispose of any leftover balances and disable inactive trust lines in your wallet to free up the XRP reserve (0,2 XRP per trust line), you can send them back to the issuing address via XRP Ledger. Trust lines are set to issuing addresses.
Some crypto assets issued by inactive issuers are populating the XRP Ledger which may pose a threat to less experienced users. See our article about defunct gateways here.
To prevent issues with defunct gateways, we suggest our users remove all trust lines issued to inactive or less trusted issuers and disable rippling on any remaining trust lines.
GateHub and other affiliated gateways will always perform a global freeze on the XRP Ledger for delisted crypto assets to prevent worthless crypto assets from circulating (What is a global freeze?).