If you are unable to login into your account with the correct credentials (correct email address and password) for example, after a new device conformation, you may solve this issue by following a few recommendations:
- It is recommended to run the GateHub platform on Windows / Linux / Mac OS and to use a Google Chrome browser.
- Execute a hard refresh so that the most recent version of a page is loaded (a hard refresh is a way of clearing the browser’s cache for a specific page).
Hard refresh on Windows / Linux:
- Hold down Ctrl and click the Reload button or
- Hold down Ctrl and press F5
Hard refresh on Mac OS:
- Hold ⇧ Shift and click the Reload button or
- Hold down ⌘ Cmd and ⇧ Shift key and then press R
If you are having trouble accessing the site from your country you can also try using a VPN connection.